LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 228
After reading and discussing the text, you can have the
students perform it in small groups. They can add
information and language to present their own
interpretation of what was read. They might want to make
up a tune to the song. For more ideas on how to use this
feature, go to page xiii, Acting Out the Text.
SI: Students interact for a limited
range of purposes, such as
following basic instructions and
directions, asking for and giving
information, making and fulfilling
simple requests.
EASIER OPTION: After reading and discussing the text,
instead of having the students perform, you can have the students who wish to take part in
reading aloud, choose a character and read to the whole class. Then you can ask questions
such as: Who is (name of student) reading? What did he/she say?
Pages 214-216
Before going on to exercise 3, focus on the Vocabulary
Ruler on page 215.
If you have access to the digital format, go to the
Vocabulizer online (www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/vocab)
and have the students work there. If not, teach the
vocabulary from the book.
AI: Students use information tools
such as a glossary, a simplified
learner’s dictionary, online
dictionary, table of contents, guided
search engines, simplified E-books,
YouTube videos.
Make sure the students are familiar with the words in the Words I Know (basketball, shirt,
socks, wear).
Read them and have the students explain/show you what the words mean. Do at least one
review activity. For ideas, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.
Teach the new vocabulary words from New Words (company, loud, even, going to).
Reinforce these new words via at least one or two activities.
For more ideas on how to work on vocabulary, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.
Have the students read the Brainteaser and try to answer
it. Tell them to look at the girl’s shirt in frame 1 on page
212 and notice the writing on the shirt, WWYB. Have
them discuss the questions in pairs. When they are
finished check their answers with them.
• The first thing we learn about Carla is that she
• WWYB = Who will you be?
SI: Students engage in short
conversations/discussions by asking
and answering simple questions
about familiar topics and everyday
situations, such as family, school,
and personal interests.