LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 224
What does Zack want to do? (order a pizza)
Why can’t they order a pizza? (have the students remember that the events are
what the kids are seeing on the computer from the future)
What is on the video wall? (Zack Garcia – NASA Mission to Mars)
What’s the surprise? (that Zack will be an astronaut)
OPTION: Have the students act out the scene in small groups. They can add information and
text as they see fit as long as it is logical to the text. For more ideas on how to use this
feature, go to page xiii, Acting Out the Text.
EASIER OPTION: If you think reading this text alone is too difficult for your class, read it with
them and skip the part where they read alone.
Post Reading
9. Let’s Answer!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
1. Paulo’s daughters joined him in the business.
2. Zack the astronaut
3. It’s in the future
4. Have them make suggestions based on their own desires. Accept anything that is
logical or can be justified.
Pages 210-211
Before going on to exercise 10, focus on the Vocabulary
Ruler on page 211.
If you have access to the digital format, go to the
Vocabulizer online (www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/vocab)
and have the students work there. If not, teach the
vocabulary from the book.
AI: Students use information tools
such as a glossary, a simplified
learner’s dictionary, online
dictionary, table of contents, guided
search engines, simplified E-books,
YouTube videos.
Make sure the students are familiar with the words in the Words I Know (food, hungry).
Read them and have the students explain/show you what the words mean. Do at least one
review activity. For ideas, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.
Teach the new vocabulary words from New Words (fresh, much, 3D printer). Reinforce
these new words via at least one or two activities.
For more ideas on how to work on vocabulary, go to page v, Teaching Vocabulary.