LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 210
Frame 3
• What does it mean that computers will make things smart? (it will do things for us)
• How will a smart book read? (it will turn the page when we finish reading it)
• How will a smart car work? (it will take us where we want to go)
• What does Carla imagine when Tim says this? (have the students describe what they
see in the picture)
Frame 4
• What smart things does Tim describe? (desks, lights, clothes)
• What does Anna imagine when Tim says this? (have the students describe what they
see in the picture)
Frames 5-6
• Why is it most important that the smart things talk to each other? (to share
information and ideas)
• What will computers have? (microphones and cameras)
• When will the computers understand us? (when we talk)
Frame 7
• What does Tim ask the computer? (If it understands him)
• What does the computer say? (Yes, I understand you.)
• What is the computer showing them? (Pine Lake Library in the future)
Pages 188-190
Post Reading
4. Let’s Answer!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
1. a
2. a
3. d
Pullout Box – Turn
Have the students read the information and discuss the different uses of the word ‘turn’
when the prepositions change(use L1 if needed):
• turn on – to cause (water, gas) to flow, to switch on (a light)
• turn off – to extinguish (a light), to stop the flow of
(water, gas)
AL: Students know how
• turn into – to be changed, transformed or converted into
word order, sound and
• turn over – to move or be moved from one side to
writing systems in English
another, to reverse position
are organized and how
• turn up – to uncover, find, to intensify or increase
these elements compare
• turn down – to fold down, to lower in intensity, lesson, to
with their home language.
refuse or reject