LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 166
Pages 140-141
Post Reading
6. Let’s Answer!
Have the students answer the questions in their
notebooks. When they are finished check their
answers with them.
AI: Students use information tools such
as a glossary, a simplified learner’s
dictionary, online dictionary, table of
contents, guided search engines,
simplified E-books, YouTube videos.
1. They were invited to History Mystery Day.
2. She is there to help with the mysteries.
3. a. Yes
b. She says, “Oh, that is not a mystery…. I can help you.”
AI: Students locate
relevant information for
a specific purpose.
7. Word Workout!
. Have the students read the words in each row and choose the one that doesn’t belong.
They should be able to explain why they chose that word.
1. almost
2. nobody
3. false
4. story
. Have the students complete the missing words in the passage in their notebooks using
the word bank. Then check and read the paragraph with them.
1. History Mystery Day
2. visitors
3. visiting
4. name tags
5. right
6. important
7. lots of
8. mystery
9. history
10. what happened
Pullout Box – American or British
Read the feature with the students and explain that while everyone speaks English, different
people speak slightly differently and American English and British English are not the same.
For example, the way they write the date.