LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 146
Read the instructions on the page with the students, making sure they each understand
what they are going to make and how.
It’s a good idea to make one at home beforehand so you can
show them the finished product.
P: Students use given criteria,
such as a checklist/rubric to
They should use the checklist on page 243 of the workbook
prepare presentations.
to make sure they’ve done everything needed.
When their zoetrope is ready they should present it to
the class using the Present Progressive to say what the
characters are doing.
P: Students present information on
limited content, supported by visual
You can use the checklist below to evaluate their task.
I colored strips B, C, D and glued strip A to the side of the plastic top.
I chose a movie strip and put it in my zoetrope.
I completed exercise 14 on page 127 of the workbook.
I used present progressive to present my zoetrope.
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook page 127 and do exercise 14.
NOTE: This is a challenging task. If you feel your class is not able to cope with this level, skip
WKBK OPTION: Have the students turn to workbook page 128-129 and do the Independent
Reading task there.
Pages 122-123
Part 5 – What Is in the Lake?
Before going on to exercise 1, focus on the Vocabulary
Ruler on page 123.
If you have access to the digital format, go to the
Vocabulizer online (www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/vocab)
and have the students work there. If not, teach the
vocabulary from the book.
AI: Students use information tools such
as a glossary, a simplified learner’s
dictionary, online dictionary, table of
contents, guided search engines,
simplified E-books, YouTube videos.
Teach the new vocabulary words from New Words (action, board, begin, splash, suddenly).
Reinforce these new words via at least one or two activities.