LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 145
OPTION: Students may create their own Venn diagram using the graphic tools in Microsoft
Word or (give equivalent program for those with Mac).
FYI: Venn Diagrams were introduced by John Venn in 1880 to show all possible logical
relations between different sets, showing the common elements of the sets in the areas
that overlap among the circles.
Pages 120-121
10. Word Workout!
Have the students write the correct word to complete the sentences in
their notebooks. Encourage them to copy the entire sentence.
1. move
2. little
3. wheel
4. quickly
5. turn
6. long
7. piece
8. same
11. Let’s Surf!
If your school has Internet access and you are able to
show this clip, have the students watch it to see how
a zoetrope works, making it more visual for them. If
not, discuss what they see in the picture and how
they think it works.
AI: Students locate
information for a
specific purpose.
AI: Students use information tools such
as a glossary, a simplified learner’s
dictionary, online dictionary, table of
contents, guided search engines,
simplified E-books, YouTube videos.
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook pages
126-127 and do exercises 11-13.
12. Let’s Do It!
The students are going to make a Zoetrope of their own.
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/DoIt to play this video.
They will need:
• a plastic top
• glue
• markers or colored pencils
• a thumbtack
• a pencil with an eraser on the end
• workbook pages 233 and 234
AI: Students follow a short
sequence of simple
instructions/directions in
familiar contexts.