LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 132
Page 104
10. Let’s Do It!
Have the students make a movie poster for any movie
they want.
They will need:
• markers
• poster paper
• a pencil
• an eraser
SI: Students interact for a limited range
of purposes, such as following basic
instructions and directions, asking for
and giving information, making and
fulfilling simple requests.
They choose one of the pictures from p. 102, or, if they prefer, they
can make up a movie or use a real movie that they are familiar with.
They will need poster paper (a large A3 sheet should be the largest,
but it could be on a regular A4 sheet as well), a pencil and an eraser,
markers, colored pencils or crayons.
P: Students describe
people, places, things,
events and personal
experiences in familiar
Go over the layout of a movie poster so they understand the information it should include:
• where the movie is playing
• what the name of the movie is
• what the movie is about in one sentence
• who directed the movie
Read the instructions with them before they start to work to make sure they all understand
what they have to do.
Once they finish the poster, they should write two sentences on the back that describe the
poster using: There is … / There are ….
When they are finished, they each present their poster.
Alternative: Have them work in pairs or groups.
They should use the checklist on page 243 of the workbook to make
sure they’ve done everything needed.
You can use the checklist in the following page to evaluate their task.
P: Students use
given criteria, such
as a
checklist/rubric to