LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 129
Post Reading
7. Let’s Match!
Have the students match the sentences to the pictures in exercise 5.
1. a
2. c
3. e
4. f
5. d
6. b
8. Let’s Surf!
If students have internet access they can go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/ICT and discover
which of the photos is real. They should check their guesses with the answers there.
If not, go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO/ICT and play the audio explanation of each photo.
If you don’t have internet access, you can read the following text:
Photo A looks like a photo of a strange monster
swimming in a lake, right? For more than fifty
years, people believed that this photo was real.
They believed that it showed a real monster,
swimming in a lake in Scotland. People even
gave the monster a name: Nessie. Then, in 1990,
someone found a letter that explained what we
see in the photo. This “monster” is really just a
children’s toy, made of wood. Even though
everyone knows that this isn’t a photo of a real
monster, many people visit the lake every year,
hoping to see Nessie.
Photo B made this cat – her name
is Snowball – famous around the
world. The photo isn’t real,
though. Someone used Photoshop
to “grow” Snowball into a very big
cat. Here are 2 photos that show
you what Snowball really looks