LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 113
WKBK: Have the students turn to workbook page 94 and read the blurb about the book. Ask
the question again and have them answer it now (her friends read her notebook)
Have them continue on to workbook page 95 and do exercises 8.
Basic Understanding
4. Let’s Answer!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. b, d, e, f, g
ALC: Students identify and
describe events, setting and
main characters in literary
texts, using lower-order
thinking skills.
5. Word Workout!
Have the students match the words to the definitions. They should write the pairs in their
1. b
2. a
Page 88
Analysis and Interpretation
6. Let’s Write!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
ALC: Students provide an oral,
written or visual response to
a literary text.
Possible answers:
ALC: Students analyze and
1. They should explain that the things Harriet writes are not
interpret literary texts, using
meant for anyone else to see or read so they should remain
higher – order thinking skills.
2. Have the students make suggestions. Perhaps because he is
her best friend.
3. They should explain their ideas using the information available to them in the text.
Bridging Text and Context
7. Let’s Surf!
Have the students watch the clip for the Harriet the
Spy movie. Ask them if they understand a little more
about the book now. Have them explain their answer.
OPTION: If you don’t have Internet access, have the
AI: Students use information tools such
as a glossary, a simplified learner’s
dictionary, online dictionary, table of
contents, guided search engines,
simplified E-books, YouTube videos.