LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 112
While Reading
3. Let’s Read!
Before they read, have them look at the picture on page 84
again and the leading question in the task and ask:
• What do you think Harriet writes in her notebook?
• Why do you think so?
ALC: Students identify and
describe events, setting
and main characters in
literary texts, using lowerorder thinking skills.
Have the students read the story. Discuss the story after they read it.
Go to www.eadventure.co.il/LFO to play this text.
• What is Harriet looking for at the beginning? (her notebook)
• Where is the notebook? (under her bed)
• How many notebooks does Harriet have? (15)
• Who is Sport? (her friend)
• What does Harriet do every day? (spies on people)
Pages 86-87
Have the students continue reading.
• How do we know that Harriet doesn’t spy on the same
ALC: Students identify and
people all the time? (she says “this year”)
describe events, setting and
• Why doesn’t Harriet want Sport to spy with her? (so they
main characters in literary
won’t get caught)
texts, using lower-order
• What does Harriet write in her notebook? (descriptions
thinking skills.
of the people she sees)
• Why does she write this? (to remember the people)
• What is today’s date in the story? (Tuesday, October 30)
• What time is it? (3:30 pm)
• Where is Harriet writing? (on the subway)
• What does Harriet write in her notebook today? (about the people on the subway)
• What does the man have? (white socks, fat legs)
• What does the woman have? (one funny eye and a long nose)
• What does the little boy do? (cleans his nose)
• What is the funny lady doing? (reading a book)
Read the Brainteaser along with your students.
Ask: Do you remember what was written on the cover of Harriet’s notebook? (secret) Elicit
again the meaning of the word ‘secret’ (things that you don’t want anyone to know).
Ask: What do you think happens to Harriet’s notebook? (Accept any logical answer.)
Write their suggestions on the board.