LFO Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 100
Pages 72-73
Have the students read the Brainteaser. Have them talk with a friend and try to decide who
the kids will follow.
Have the students continue reading frames 5 and 6 and ask:
• What does the woman in the red sweatshirt do? (looks at
AI: Students understand
her watch)
the general meaning,
main ideas and the
• Why do you think she looks at her watch? (she is in the
sequence of events in a
contest at 4 o’clock)
text, and use this
knowledge as needed.
• Where does she run? (down Park Road)
• Who is following her? (Albert, Anna and Zack)
• What street does she cross? (Park Road)
• Where does she turn right? (on Forest Street)
• Where do the children go? (they turn right too)
• What street does she then cross? (Market Street)
• Where does the woman run to? (Number 8 Forest Street)
• Where do the children go? (to the same place, Number 8 Forest Street)
• What does the sign say? (we don’t know)
• Where do you think the woman goes into?
Pullout Box – Look Out!
Have the students read the pullout box. Explain that when we add a
small word, a preposition to many verbs, it changes the meaning of
the word. So for a word like 'look', we can have 'look up' – meaning
to search; 'look out' – meaning to be careful; etc.
Give other examples: run out, run into, run out of; get on, get off,
get into. Encourage the students to give more examples if they can.
AL: Students are aware
that not all words can
be translated on a oneon-one correspondence.
Post Reading
3. Let’s Answer!
Have the students answer the questions in their notebooks.
1. a
2. d
3. Have the students guess. Keep note of their guesses and check who was right when
you read about it in the next section.