I like English Teacher's Guide - Flipbook - Page 9
An answer key for all the exercises in the Ac琀椀vity Book appears in Smartclass 2.0.
10. Icons
The following icons iden琀椀fy different ac琀椀vi琀椀es in the Teacher’s Guide:
new words
words I know
lexical chunks
course book
phonemic awareness
wri琀椀ng ac琀椀vity
act it out
video/audio clip
teacher’s assessment
Ackerman, Tova (1994). Storytelling: A Way of Freeing the Imagina琀椀on. An Interview with Dvora
Shurman. The Journal of the Imagina琀椀on in Language Learning and Teaching, Volume 2.
Bejarano, Yael (1994). A Model of Integrated Group Work Methodology for the Foreign Language
Classroom, in S. Sharan (Ed.), Handbook of Coopera琀椀ve Learning Methods. US: Greenwood.
Brown, Eowyn (2004). Using Children’s Literature with Young Learners. The Internet TESL Journal,
Volume X: 2.
Ellis, Gail and Jean Brewster (2014). Tell it Again! The Storytelling Handbook for Primary English
Language Teachers. Bri琀椀sh Council.
Engh, Dwayne (2013). Why Use Music in English Language Learning? A Survey of the Literature.
English Language Teaching, Canadian Center of Science and Educa琀椀on Volume 6 (2): 113-127.
Inspectorate for English Language Educa琀椀on (2019). English Curriculum 2020: For Elementary School.
Ministry of Educa琀椀on, State of Israel.
Inspectorate for English Language Educa琀椀on (2019). Guidelines for the Teaching of English at the PreFounda琀椀on Level. Ministry of Educa琀椀on, State of Israel.