I like English Teacher's Guide - Flipbook - Page 6
Stage 3: Reading the Story
The first reading of the story is done with authen琀椀c intona琀椀on, focusing on the pictures and
sequence of the story. Following the first reading is a discussion about the major events of
the story and the accuracy of the pupils’ predic琀椀ons about the story.
The story is read a few more 琀椀mes, interac琀椀vely, allowing pupils to become progressively
more involved in the reading. During the reading, ques琀椀ons are asked to establish
understanding of the events and progression of the story.
Stage 4: Ac琀椀ng Out the Story
In this final stage the pupils put to ac琀椀ve use the language they have learned from the story.
They act out the story including the sequen琀椀al events of the story as well as the characters’
ac琀椀ons and emo琀椀ons.
5. Teaching Vocabulary
The nature of learning vocabulary is dynamic and con琀椀nues over 琀椀me. Hatch and Brown (1995) refer
to four essen琀椀al steps in vocabulary learning:
Sources for encountering new vocabulary
Getting a clear image of new words – visual, auditory or both
Making a memory connection between the form and meaning
Using the word through a continual process (not rote memory) – recycle vocabulary as
often as possible
I Like English u琀椀lizes nearly all these important steps in introducing and prac琀椀cing vocabulary.
Specifically, the program includes dozens of visually a琀琀rac琀椀ve flashcards to illustrate the meanings of
new words and recycles vocabulary through a myriad of sources including flashcards, songs and
chants, communica琀椀ve games, stories, drama, and mul琀椀-sensory tasks in the Ac琀椀vity Books.
a. How to Introduce Vocabulary
Vocabulary should be introduced using pictures, flashcards, gestures, actual objects, and/or
through the context of the stories. Pupils should repeat chorally a昀琀er a new lexical item or
expression is introduced while looking at the flashcard picture or representa琀椀on to establish
visual associa琀椀on with the phone琀椀c form. When appropriate, include any gestures that may
help illustrate the word. Remember to say the word clearly and allow pupils to repeat it
several 琀椀mes (loudly, so昀琀ly, with gestures).
b. How to Review Vocabulary
The ac琀椀vi琀椀es in I Like English are of a “spiraled curriculum” nature, meaning the vocabulary
and language skills are re-entered and deepen the pupil’s knowledge of the language from
session to session and from unit to unit. Vocabulary is reviewed and re-entered at different
琀椀mes through different sources and ac琀椀vi琀椀es: flashcards, movement, songs, communica琀椀ve
games, stories and storybook pictures, drama, and mul琀椀-sensory tasks in the Ac琀椀vity Books.