I like English Teacher's Guide - Flipbook - Page 3
1. Overview and Target Population
English Adventure’s I Like English is a story-based program designed for young learners in their first
year of studying English as a Foreign Language (EFL).
I Like English is organized around topics which are of interest and relevance to young learners. The
program’s main objec琀椀ve is to give learners a posi琀椀ve first experience in learning English as a foreign
language. The program focuses on oral communica琀椀on skills by providing a strong lexical base using
stories, songs, and games.
I Like English includes 2 units. Each unit is divided into fi昀琀een sessions, comprising stories,
vocabulary, and lexical chunks. The program includes a digital pla琀昀orm for in-class teaching
(Smartclass 2.0) that provides interac琀椀ve lesson plans for each session, integra琀椀ng all audio and
visual components of I Like English.
2. Methodology
The methodology behind I Like English integrates both language learning theories and language
teaching approaches that have been proven successful in foreign language instruc琀椀on.
The following theories underly the Integrated Mul琀椀sensory Language Teaching Methodology in I Like
Piaget’s Constructivist Theory
Children con琀椀nually interact with the world around them and confront problems. Piaget
theorized that it is through the ac琀椀on of solving these problems that children construct
knowledge. I Like English is built on stories and ac琀椀vi琀椀es in which children are required to use
the new language to solve problems, for example, arranging pictures in the order they happen in
a story.
Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development Theory
Underlying Vygotskyan Theory is the central observa琀椀on that development and learning take
place in a social context, in a world where children interact and communicate with their
environment. The people around the children have an important role in helping them learn,
bringing objects and ideas to their a琀琀en琀椀on, playing with them, telling them stories, and asking
and answering ques琀椀ons. The ability to learn through instruc琀椀on and media琀椀on is a core
characteris琀椀c of human intelligence. The adult helps the child achieve what the child cannot
achieve on his/her own.
Both Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories have had a clear impact on what teachers can do in the language
classroom in order to aid learning. The lesson procedures implement these important ideas in
explicit instruc琀椀ons for the teacher.