I like English Teacher's Guide - Flipbook - Page 27
SESSION 8 – Third Reading of the Story: Five Li琀琀le Ducks
New vocabulary: baby, brother, family, sister
Review vocabulary: balloon, blue, father, green, mother, red, yellow
Materials: Max the Puppet, Ac琀椀vity Books
Use Max the Puppet to greet the pupils and say: Hello. Good morning. My name is
___ .
Go around the room with Max and ask the pupils: What is your name?
Sing “Hello, My Name Is” (song #1.1).
Sing “Balloon Color Chant” (song #1.6) to review the colors.
Review Words
Review the words: mother, father
New Words
Add the words to present the new vocabulary: sister, brother, baby, family
Play Disappearing Card (game #8) to review and practice the words: family, mother,
father, sister, brother, baby
Present and sing “Where is Father?” (song #1.8) to review and practice the family
The Story: Five Li琀琀le Ducks
Play the animated story Five Little Ducks and pause on each page to ask questions
about the plot and characters to check understanding.
Have pupils follow along in the Activity Book beginning on page 23.