HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 72
Review the vocabulary using the flashcards: jump, run, fall, clown, balloon.
Ask: Who remembers? (Elicit the words.)
Have pupils repeat the words.
Teach the new vocabulary using the flashcards.
Present each card one at a time and say the words: ball, park, picnic, play.
Have pupils repeat the words.
Roll the Dice (game #13)
Play the game with the vocabulary: grandfather, grandmother, ball, park, picnic,
Show the six flashcards. Write the numbers 1-6 below each picture.
Say a word and have pupils hold up the correct number of fingers according to
the number below the picture.
Repeat a few times.
Use the cube on the colors/numbers side.
Now, toss the cube to a pupil. Have the pupil say a word on the board according
to the number he/she has rolled (the side that faces up).
Have the pupil toss the cube back to you and then you toss it to another pupil
and repeat.
After a few turns, shuffle the words on the board so that the numbers change.
Continue playing the game until many pupils have had a turn.