HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 46
Page 36
We live in the water.
Point and ask: What is this? (Elicit: This is water.)
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I have a long tail and I can swim in the water.
But I have small legs. I cannot walk or run.
Do gestures for ‘long tail’, ‘swim’, and ‘cannot walk or run’
Point and ask: Are Grib’s legs big? (Elicit: no)
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I jump and jump… Oh, no!
I always fall.
Do gestures for ‘jump’ and ‘fall’
Ask: Can Grib jump? (Elicit: no)
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I am sad. I cannot leave the water.
Do gestures for ‘sad’ and ‘leave’
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Mother and Father are big frogs.
They have big legs.
They can walk and run.
Do gestures for ‘walk’ and ‘run’
Point and ask: Who is this? (Elicit: This is Mother/Father Frog.)