HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 306
20. Disappearing Card
Show the flashcards.
Have pupils say all the words.
Hide one card. Tell the class to repeat all the words again, including the picture you
have hidden.
Hide another card and again have the pupils repeat all the pictures, including the
hidden ones.
If they do not remember the cards, reveal the card(s) and try again.
Do this until all the flashcards are hidden. Tell the class to say the names of all the
pictures from memory.
Reveal the pictures again as the pupils say them one by one.
21. Three in a Row
Show three randomly chosen vocabulary flashcards slowly.
Tell pupils to remember the pictures.
Hide the cards.
Ask: Who remembers?
Have a pupil say all three words in the correct order. If the pupil is correct, reveal
the cards.
If the pupil made a mistake, ask the class if another pupil can help, and then have
the first pupil repeat the right words.
Shuffle the cards to do this several times to review different words.