HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 279
Use the Course Book page to practice identifying final sounds.
Say: Open your books to page 185.
Say: Listen to the words. Circle the words that end with the sound
1. ship 2. jump 3. sleep 4. trip 5. pupil 6. blue 7. jump rope
8. bus 9. up
Reveal to check answers.
Ask: Which pictures did you circle? (Elicit: ship, jump, sleep, trip, jump rope, up)
What sound do you hear at the end of the words ‘ship, jump, sleep, trip, jump
rope, up’? (Elicit: /p/)
Use the Course Book page to practice identifying final sounds.
Say: Open your books to page 186.
Have pupils "read" the pictures across each row out loud or to a
partner to review the words. Pupils should use their finger to follow
the pictures as they move from left to right.
Say: Circle all the pictures that end with the sound you hear.
1. Circle the words that end with /t/.
2. Circle the words that end with /k/.
3. Circle the words that end with /d/.
4. Circle the words that end with /l/.
Reveal to check answers.
Say: Look at #1. Which pictures did you circle? (Elicit: quiet, pet, white, flowerpot)
What sound do you hear at the end of the words ‘quiet, pet, white, flowerpot’?
(Elicit: /t/)
Repeat for rows 2-4.