HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 274
Say: Listen and circle the correct picture.
1. Circle the green book.
2. Circle the two pupils.
3. Circle the chair.
4. Circle the school.
5. Circle brown.
6. Circle the angry boy.
Reveal to check answers.
Use the Course Book page to review vocabulary and opposites.
Say: Open your books to page 174.
Ask: Look at row 1: What do you see? (Elicit: I see morning, stand
up, white, big, on.)
Ask: Look at row 2: What do you see? (Elicit: I see sit down, small,
under, night, black.)
Say: Draw a line from a picture in row 1 to its opposite in row 2.
Reveal to check answers.
Ask: What is the opposite of (morning)? (Elicit: night)
Repeat for all the pictures.
Reading and Writing Readiness
Use the Course Book page to review directionality in English (right to left, top to
bottom) and proper pencil holding technique.
Say: Open your books to page 175.
Say: Trace the pictures with a pencil.
While pupils are working, walk around checking that pupils are
tracing carefully on the lines and are holding their pencils properly.
Reveal to check answers.
After they are finished, ask: What do you see? (Elicit: I see (a)