HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 254
Course Book
Say: Open your books to page 146.
Say: Number the pictures in the order they happen in the story.
Call on a pupil to choose the picture that happens first in the story.
Have the pupil use relevant vocabulary to describe the scene
depicted in the picture.
Then call another pupil until all the pictures are in the correct sequence.
Elicit the following (or any other logical response) for each picture:
#1: The teacher and pupils are in the classroom.
#2: The cat has Jamie’s glasses.
#3: Jamie can’t see./Tom writes the numbers.
#4: Jamie is sad./Tom does not help Jamie.
#5: The friends help Jamie.
#6: Help your friends in class!
Reveal to check answers.
Now, along with the pupils, retell the whole story as you point to each picture.
Wrapping Up
Remind the pupils of the different topics and words that were covered by showing
them the completed Course Book page 146.
Ask the pupils:
What story did we read? (Elicit: Help Your Friends)
What do you see? (Elicit: I see _____ .)
Did you like the story Help Your Friends?
Sing “Goodbye, Dear Pupils” (song #1.12)