HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 247
My School Bag (game #ICT8)
Play the game to review the vocabulary: book, crayons, pencil, hat, bag.
Ask: What do you see? (Elicit: I see a hat.)
Invite a different pupil to the front to find each of the objects in the bag.
Say: Listen and click.
Ask: Where is the purple book?
Click on the purple book.
Repeat with the other objects.
When you’ve found all the items, point to each item and ask: What’s in the bag?
(Elicit: two books, three crayons, two pencils, one hat)
Sing “This is the Way We Sit on Our Chairs” (song #1.38) and have pupils do the
The Story: Help Your Friends
Act It Out
Read the story Help Your Friends (or play the audio file).
Have pupils listen to the story.
Encourage pupils to produce the vocabulary they learned.
Act out and do gestures for the story, and have the pupils copy you.
Assign a pupil (or pairs) to act out the teacher, Jamie, Tom, and the cat, and have
them act out their character’s actions and emotions in the story.
Have a pair of glasses available to use as a prop.