HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 219
Phonemic Awareness
Say: Open your books to page 133.
Ask: What do you see? (Elicit: I see (a) yellow, legs, school, pillow,
bicycle, pupil.)
Point to 'pupil' and ask: How many parts does the word ‘pupil’
have? (Elicit: 2)
Say and clap 2 times: /pyu/ /pil/ ‘pupil’
Have pupils copy you by clapping and saying the syllables.
Point to 'bicycle' and ask: How many parts does the word ‘bicycle’ have? (Elicit: 3)
Say and clap 3 times: /bi/ /sy/ /kl/ ‘bicycle’
Have pupils copy you by clapping and saying the syllables.
Say: All the words have the sound /l/. Listen to the words and circle where you hear
the sound. If the word begins with /l/, circle #1. If the word has /l/ in the middle,
circle #2. If the word ends with /l/, circle #3.
1. yellow 2. legs 3. school 4. pillow 5. bicycle 6. pupil
Reveal to check answers.
Ask: Which word begins with the sound /l/? (Elicit: legs)
Ask: Which words end with the sound /l/? (Elicit: pupil, school, bicycle)
Ask: Which words have the sound /l/ in the middle? (Elicit: yellow, pillow)
Course Book
Say: Open your books to page 134.
Ask: What do you see? (Elicit: I see a classroom, window, door,
floor, books, pupils, teacher, chair.)
Ask: Who is in the classroom? (Elicit: The teacher/pupils/boys and
girl are in the classroom.)
Ask: How many books do you see? (Elicit: I see four red books and
two blue books.)
Say: Listen and write the correct number in the box.
1. The teacher
2. The chair
3. The door
4. The red books
5. The pupils
6. The window