HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 197
pupil from the other team can take a turn. When that pupil answers incorrectly,
choose a different pupil from the first team to take a turn.
Phonemic Awareness
Say: Open your books to page 103.
Point to ‘red’ and ask: What color do you see? (Elicit: I see red.)
What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word
‘red’? (Elicit: /r/)
What sound do you hear at the end of the word ‘red’? (Elicit: /d/)
What sound do you hear in the middle of the word ‘red’? (Elicit: /e/)
How many sounds does the word ‘red’ have? (Elicit: 3)
Say and count to three on your fingers: /r/ /e/ /d/ ‘red’
Have the pupils copy you by counting on their fingers and saying the sounds.
Ask: What happens if I take away /r/ and say /b/?
Say together with the pupils: /b/ /ed/ ‘bed’
Tell pupils that ‘red’ and ‘bed’ are rhyming words because they have the same
ending sound /ed/ (use L1 when needed).
Have pupils "read" the pictures across each row out loud or to a partner to review
the words. Pupils should use their finger to follow the pictures as they move from left
to right.
Say: Mark an X on the word that does not begin with the same sound.
Do the first one with pupils. Say: Look at #1. Listen: red, run, tree. Which word
does not begin with the same sound? (Elicit: tree)
Have pupils mark an X on the tree.
Have pupils complete #2-4 on their own or with a partner.
Reveal to check answers.
Say: Look at #1. Which word did we mark with X? (Elicit: tree)
What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word ‘tree’? (Elicit: /t/)
What sound do you hear at the beginning of the words ‘red, run’? (Elicit: /r/)
Repeat for rows 2-4.