HEROES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 149
The hat is under the window. / The scarf is near the door, etc.
If the pupil answers correctly, they choose the next pupil to play.
Do this several times with different pupils. Change the object you are hiding and
the hiding place each time.
This game can be played as a competition where two pupils from different teams
need to find the object before their competitor.
Course Book
Say: Open your books to page 71.
Say: Listen and draw a line from the object to the room it is in.
The scarf is in the living room.
The coat is in the kitchen.
The gloves are in the bedroom.
The hat is in the bathroom.
Reveal to check answers.
Ask: Where is the (scarf)? (Elicit: The scarf is in the living room.)
Repeat for the other objects.
Say: Open your books to page 72.
Ask: What do you see? (Elicit: I see a house/door/scarf/living
Explain the rules of the game to the pupils:
Have pupils play in pairs. Each pupil should have a game piece in
a different color than their partner.
Throw the dice.
Move forward according to the number on the dice.
The pupils have to say the word they land on: This is a _____ .
If they are correct, they may move forward one space.
If they are not correct, they must move back one space.
The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first.
Say: Play the game with a friend.