Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 95
Unit 2 6
3. Read and Match
• Ask pupils what they need to make a mirror. Elicit: paper, glue, stars/stickers. Have pupils
scan the text and circle the materials needed for making a mirror. (white paper, silver paper,
stickers) Elicit from pupils the actions needed when making a mirror. Elicit: cut, glue, draw,
stick. Have pupils scan the text of instructions and circle these verbs.
Invite a pupil to read aloud an instruction. Repeat until all six instructions have been read.
Have pupils do the activity in their books independently or in pairs.
Check the answers by having individual pupils read the instruction and say the number of
the matching picture. (1. b, 2. d, 3. a, 4. f, 5. e, 6. c)
4. Do and Show - Make a Mirror
• Tell pupils to imagine that they have a magic mirror they can use to see places, people, or
things from all over the world. Ask: What places, people or things would you like to see?
Write on the board: Places, People, Things and ask pupils to suggest ideas for each
category of what they would like to see if they had a magic mirror. Write their ideas under
the appropriate headings.
If pupils are unable to come up with ideas you may suggest:
Places: a jungle, a desert, mountains, the North or South Pole, the moon, planets, stars,
specific countries, famous tourist sites like Niagara Falls.
People: astronauts, ballet dancers, famous people from past or present.
Things: animals, insects, reptiles, fields of flowers, underwater plants/animals, pyramids,
spaceships, old cars, robots, inventions, hot air balloons.
Have pupils follow the instructions in Exercise 3 and make a mirror. Have them use the
checklist to ensure they have gone through all the steps.
The Desert Adventure
4. Do and Show
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Checklist - Make a Mirror
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5. Read and Say
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I cut the silver paper to make a circle.
It is a nice mirror! Now I can see my face!
6. Read and Chant
Look in the magic mirror
What do you see?
I see a boy or girl looking at me.
Look in the magic mirror
What can you do?
I can see places in the world, too.