Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 80
Note: You can access pictures of market places from around the world by entering
www.google.com Go to Google Images and write market places.
3. Let’s Play
• Have pupils sit in pairs. Assign pupils to be pupil A or pupil B, according to the seating
arrangement. Say: Look again at the picture of the market. Tell Pupil A to close his/her
eyes and see how many things he/she can remember. Pupils then change roles.
What is it? (Game 8)
o Describe the various foods from the market, one at a time, and have pupils guess
what food it is.
o Say: It is small and can be yellow, red, purple or green. What is it? (a plum)
Multi-sensory guessing game
o Say: You are going to guess what fruit I have in my bag. You will not be able to
see it, but you can smell, touch or taste it. Explain the meaning of the words smell,
touch and taste.
o Invite one pupil at a time to come to the front of the class. Blindfold the pupil.
o Say: You can touch it. What is it?
o If the pupil guesses correctly, take off their blindfold and say: You are right! It is a
o If the pupil guesses incorrectly, say: You can smell it. What is it?
o If the pupil guesses correctly, say: You are right! It's a (date).
Thank you. Here is your fruit.
Do you want some chocolate
and some cheese, too?
The Desert Adventure
Look at this old lamp!
Unit 2
Yes, please!
7. Chant and Change
I am a genie.
I live in this lamp.
I like peaches.
Thank you children.
Peaches are a treat*.
I am so happy.
It's a genie!
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6. Read and Say
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I like chocolate.
Now I am free*.
That's what I like to eat.
treat = ƏŰõĤð Ô„⁄ÚÓ
I am free = Ǝ/ĿƱ äƯ İñƈ È˘ÙÂÁ ȇ
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5. Talk Together
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Can I help you?
.ƢŐûïƌ ƎƖŐĝà ƌŐĨĪġöæƊ .Ǝ/ŊóĽř Ňð IJĪŕƌľĢïƌ ƏİøöĨąƌ ƌƨĿöçƌƨ ƌŐġĪà
Yes, I want two
apples and some
nuts, please.
some apples
some nuts
some cheese