Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 241
End of the Year Project - GROUP COLLAGE
Note: This project will probably take a few lessons. It is worthwhile to start the project before the
end of the year so that the pupils can display the project for other classes and parents.
a. Introduction to the project
• Tell pupils that they are going to make a group collage which they will display in school and
present to their parents at the end of the year.
• Explain that a collage is a collection of pictures and words that together illustrate a story or
• Explain that the project will help pupils review what they have studied during the year.
• Ask pupils whether they can sum up what they have learned during the year. Elicit
responses to the stories/characters/illustrations and the overall structure of the book.
b. Preparation for the class project
• Write the titles of the units on the board. Ask pupils what they liked most about each unit and
write a few of the things on the board. These can be events, characters, stories, etc.
• Divide the class into groups of five and tell pupils that they are going to make a group
collage about one unit of their choice.
• Write the following working steps that each group has to follow on the board and go over
them with the class:
1. Decide on the unit. There can be more than one group working on each unit. Try to have
all units represented.
2. Make a list of things your group wants to include on the collage which will reflect the
most important or interesting things in the unit.
3. Have each group member find pictures from magazines, newspapers, travel brochures
or the Internet that illustrate the things on the list. Bring the pictures to the next lesson.
4. Choose the pictures for the collage.
5. Arrange and paste the pictures on the collage and write a sentence under the picture.
6. Make sure the teacher checks the sentences describing the collage before it is
presented to the class.
7. The group gives the collage a title and signs their names.
c. Making the collage
• Give a copy of the following checklist to each group.