Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 233
Unit 6 4
Fantasy Park
Lesson 4
New words
dinner, fisherman
Access to information
Read and understand a story
Word cards: dinner, fisherman
For game: 10 dice, 10 answer sheets that include
the instructions for playing the game in L1, 20
markers or coins for players to use to advance on
the board.
Do you remember?
Ask: What ride did Henry and Lucy go on in the last lesson? (the carousel)
1. Let's Play: Snakes and Ladders
• Tell pupils to sit in groups of four in order to play the board game in their books.
• Explain the game if pupils are not familiar with it.
Each player uses a marker or coin to advance along the board. Players begin at the
box marked Start.
They throw the die and move according to the number that appears on it. If they land
on a ladder, they go up to the square where it ends. If they land on a snake, they go
down to the square where it begins. If they land on a question, they must answer the
question that appears in the book for that number. They can use the book to help find
the answer. They have 30 seconds to answer.
The group monitor uses the answer sheet to tell pupils if they answered correctly. They
lose a turn if they answer incorrectly.
The winner is the first player to arrive at the treasure.
• Tell pupils that three pupils in each group will be players, while the fourth will be the
monitor of the game. If time allows they can switch roles so that all have a chance to
play and to monitor.
• Supply the monitor in each group with the answer sheet. (See following page)
• Explain that players can use their book as a reference for answering questions.