Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 23
these numbers to each group of pupils.
• Pretend to dial a phone number and say: Hello! Is this (547-2817)?
• Have the group with that number respond: Yes, this is (547-2817).
25. Pass the Message
• Have pupils sit in groups of up to ten and form circles.
• Prepare on ten or more slips of paper, a number of messages for each team. Messages
should be phrases or sentences from the program such as: hop on the moonbeam,
Henry and Lucy are Superkids, Amir lives in the desert, Mr. Moon needs help,
Princess Meg has magic stardust.)
• One pupil in each group begins by taking a slip of paper and whispering the message
written on it to the pupil sitting next to him/her. Pupils pass the message by whispering
it to one another.
• The object of the game is for the message to travel successfully from the first pupil to
the last.
• No repeating of the message is allowed!
• Repeat the game by having a different pupil begin each time.
26. Snap Opposites
• Sit on a chair facing pupils.
• Slap your legs twice, clap your hands twice, snap the fingers of one hand and say: big.
Snap the fingers of your other hand and say: small.
• Do the same with other words, having pupils supply the opposite of the first word you
say as fast as they can.
27. Cross the River
• Draw a river on the board.
• Place a series of word or picture cards that cross the river from one side to the other.
• Tell pupils that the cards are stones used to cross the river, and that if they can use
each of the words on the cards in a sentence, they can pass to the next stone. Explain
that if they are not successful in using one word, they will "fall" into the river.
• Invite one pupil at a time to try to cross the river OR allow any pupil in the class to
participate, as you go from "stone" to "stone."
28. Beanbag Throw
• Place ten words or picture cards across the board.
• Divide the class into two groups.
• Invite one pupil from the first group to come to the front of the class.
• Have the pupil throw the bean bag to try and hit one of the cards on the board.
• If the pupil does not hit a card he/she returns to his/her seat and a pupil from the next
team is called to the front.
• If the pupil hits a card, he/she earns one point for his/her team.
• If the pupil can use the word in a sentence his/her team gets three more points.
29. Charades
• Without speaking, help your friends guess a word by acting or miming the word.