Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 206
3. Read and Write
Read the title of the story and ask the class what they think the story will be about. Ask
them if they have heard about Captain Nemo. Discuss their predictions with the whole
Put the word and picture card for submarine on the board. Teach the word.
Have pupils look at the pictures. Describe each of the pictures and have pupils try to
identify the picture you are describing.
Play CD Track 85 as pupils follow in their books. Instruct them to raise their hands and
say “stop” when they hear a description of one of the pictures.
Have pupils copy the correct sentence from the story under each picture. Have pupils
share their answers with the class. (a. A giant octopus tried to eat the submarine. b.
They saw a city under the water called Atlantis. c. They found a metal submarine. e.
The men soon fell into the sea. d. The men went underwater and saw sharks and
many other fantastic fish and corals.)
Play CD Track 85 of the story again. Encourage pupils to relate to the story.
Ask: Why do you think the octopus told this story?
Have pupils look at Lucy’s remarks after she hears the story. Ask pupils: Why does
Lucy say that they don’t need a submarine? What is her suggestion? (The magic
stardust can help them breathe underwater.)
4. Listen and Mark
Ask pupils if they have ever gone snorkeling or scuba diving. Have pupils share their
experiences, allowing L1 as necessary.
Unit 5
The Pirate Adventure
3. Read and Write
1. Listen and Chant
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.İĩħŕŰó Œöïƌ ƎƖŐĝïƌ ijĀ őïƌ IJġğĤïƌ Ŏð ĿĪõġöïƌ ƨƈ IJĦħĂƌ ƌŐúûñƊ
Captain Nemo
any years ago, a group of men went to look for a sea monster.
It's time to take a trip,
To find the pirate ship.
but they found a metal submarine*.
Here is an octopus to help us find a way,
To help Captain Pete today.
wanted to study* life* under the sea. He wanted to study fish, plants
The men soon fell into the sea. They didn't find a monster,
The captain of the submarine was Captain Nemo. Captain Nemo
and corals in the water, but he didn’t want to tell people about his
2. Read and Find Out
submarine. He didn't want the three men to leave the submarine
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.IJĝĤïƌ ƪƨĿĪæ Ŏð ƌŐģĜöîƌƨ ƌƨƈĿíƊ
and tell people about it. The men traveled to all the oceans* of the
world. They saw ice in Antarctica. The men went underwater and
Come, I will take you to
saw sharks and many other fantastic fish and corals. They saw a
the pirate ship. Let’s go
underwater. The pirates
city under the water called Atlantis.
won't see us.
One day a giant octopus tried to eat the submarine. Captain Nemo
was very unhappy. The three men escaped*. Where was Captain
Nemo? Nobody knew.
I want to tell you a
story about how you
can live underwater.
But we can't
octopus ƜŐõğåƈ ÔÂÓ˙
It is a story by
Jules Verne about a
submarine = IJřƌŐë ˙Ïψ
study = Ĵùõó ¯Â˜ÁÏ
life = ƎİĪä ÌÈÈÁ
oceans = ƏİğĪùð ÌÈÒ‡Ș‡
escaped = ƌŐàĿò ÂÁ¯·