Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 195
Unit 5
3. Match
Read aloud sentence 1 in the left column and start reading the continuations in the right
column. Instruct pupils to raise their hands and say “stop” when they think you have
read the correct continuation. (c)
Have pupils do the activity.
Have individual pupils read out their matched sentences. (1. c, 2. f, 3. a, 4. e, 5. g, 6. h,
7. b, 8. d)
4. Read and Think
Lead pupils in a discussion about whether or not they enjoy reading or hearing stories
that make them feel happy, sad, or afraid.
Have pupils look at the dialogue bubbles and underline the three questions that Princess
Meg asks. Validate that pupils understand what she means when she asks him if he
wants to go into the story? Ask: Who else wants to go?
Have three pupils read aloud the roles of Meg, Henry and Lucy.
5. Talk Together
Review the structure Do you…Yes, I/we do; No, I/we don’t by asking individual pupils
questions such as :
Do you want to read a book about pirates? Elicit: Yes, I do/No, I don’t. (See Unit 4 Lesson 1 Exercise 5 on page 150)
Turn to a group of pupils and ask: Do you want to read a book about pirates? Elicit: Yes,
we do/No, we don’t. Repeat using the following: Do you want to fly to the moon? Do you
want to ride on an elephant? Do you want to go to a desert?
The Pirate Adventure
Let’s Practice
bamboo trees
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Obear Ocamel Ocamera Ocaptain Odragon
Oelephant Ofigs Oforest Olamp Omagazine Omarket
Omonkeys Onewspaper Oparade Opostcard Oreporter
Osavanna Oseeds Oship Otent Otreasure
The Desert
The Safari
Save the
The Pirate