Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 192
• Practice the words with a vocabulary game suggested in the Introduction.
1. Listen and Chant
Play CD Track 78 and chant together with pupils.
Ask pupils what type of books they like to read.
2. Read and Find Out
Explain that pupils are going to read the same story that Henry is reading.
Read the title and ask pupils what they think the story will be about. Discuss the answers
with the whole class.
a. Read aloud the first paragraph of the story and ask: What happened in Green Town?
Place the word and picture card of storm on the board and elicit that there was a
big storm that destroyed the town. Use L1 as necessary to ensure that pupils have
understood the expression destroyed the town.
Put the word cards for hospital, library and building on the board and elicit their
meanings in L1. Point out that the hospital and the library have been destroyed by the
storm. Have pupils scan the text in this picture and underline the words hospital, library
and school.
Play CD Track 79 up to the end of the first paragraph (…no library in Green Town).
Ask pupils to predict what will happen to Green Town.
Play the second paragraph of the story on Track 79. Put the word and picture cards for
sailor and ship on the board, referring to the Title page. Write Sailors sail on ships on
the board and explain its meaning in L1. Explain that a sailor is a person who works on
a ship.
Explain that Captain Pete is the sailor's name, and that he wants to build Green Town
The Pirate Adventure
The Pirate Adventure
1. Listen and Chant
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ƄŌħġó ƌƕİð ƄIJĪĨëĺƌ Œò Ŏħê
What is he doing?
He's reading a book.
What is the story?
Let's take a look*.
take a look = ŌðĬöñ
Ʊ Ô·˙
2. Read and Find Out
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.IJĝĤïƌ ƐĽùöá
ƌƕİð Ŏê ƌŐģĜöîƌƨ ƪĿĨò Ňð IJĝĤïƌ ƌƨƈĿíƊ
Captain Pete and the Treasure Box
any years ago, there was a big storm. The storm destroyed*
all the buildings in Green Town - the houses, the school, the
hospital and the library. There was no school, no hospital and no
library in Green Town.
Captain Pete lived in Green Town. He was a sailor. Captain Pete
had a big ship. He wanted to build Green Town again. He needed
money to build Green Town again.
Captain Pete and his sailors put fruit, vegetables, coffee and tea on
the ship. They sailed to new places. They sold the fruit, vegetables,
coffee and tea for money, silver and gold. They put the money,
silver and gold inside a treasure box. The ship started to sail to
treasure box
Green Town to give the people the money, silver and gold to build
Green Town again.
destroyed = ƏĿðƔ
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boat ƍƖİí ‰¯ÈÒ Obuilding IJóİĨà ÔÈ·Ocaptain ƦİàƖƱ Ï·ÂÁ ·¯ OhospitalőģĜöûð ÌÈÏÂÁ≠˙È·
library IJõöĥð ‰È¯ÙÒOmoney ƔŐĤñ ÛÒÎOpirate ƦİřĿƯí ÌÈ „„¢ ¨Ë‡¯ÈÙ Osailed ȚƨĿùàƈ Âˢ
sailorƒŰð ÁÏÓOsteal ƢĿûó ·Â‚ÏOstorm IJģřİê ‰¯ÚÒOtreasure box ŀĨî ƢƨĽĨř ¯ˆÂ‡ ˙·È˙