Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 14
The teacher can refer to the poster to explain the area in which the present unit takes
Groups of pupils can play games based on the posters (or opening pages in the book from
which they are reproduced).
The following activities can be implemented in class:
• Class Discussion can be fostered through questions such as:
◆ What do you see?
◆ Who do you see?
◆ What are the people doing?
◆ What are the people wearing?
◆ How many (animals) do you see?
Guess What?
The teacher or one pupil tells the class that they are thinking about one item in the
poster. Pupils guess what that item is by asking questions such as: Is it the…? When a
pupil guesses correctly he/she is invited to think of an item and have classmates once
more guess what it is.
I Spy with My Little Eye
◆ Using initial/final letter sounds: The teacher or one pupil tells the class that they
are thinking of an item in the poster that begins with the sound (e.g. /b/). Pupils
try to guess what the item is. As above, when a pupil guesses correctly, they are
invited to be the next to "spy."
Using categories: E.g. I spy animals, clothes, people, buildings… Play as
Find it in the Poster
Based on letters and sounds: Pupils sit in pairs or small groups, making a list of
all the items or actions that they can find in the poster that begin or end with a
specific letter sound. Pairs/groups can compete against one another to see who
finds the most words, or they can simply share their lists. Time should be limited
to ten minutes. The teacher can decide whether to assign the same letter sound
to all pairs/groups, or to have each pair/group focus on a different letter sound.
Based on colors: As above, however this time pupils search in the poster for
items of a certain color.
Checking Homework
It is extremely important to monitor pupils' work from the Let's Practice exercises and
to make sure that all pupils have understood how to do them and completed them