Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 112
about the dolphin, tiger and elephant. The class needs to say which animal is being
7. Do and Show - Animal Fact Card
For homework, pupils are assigned to make a fact card about an animal that they want to
learn about. Additional information can be found at:
Point out the checklist, and tell pupils to use this tool to check that they have completed
the task.
The following appear in my animal fact card
1. The name of the animal appears in the title.
2. A drawing or a picture of the animal appears in the frame.
3. The color of the animal.
4. What the animal eats.
5. Where the animal lives.
6. What the animal likes to do.
Have pupils bring their fact cards to class and present the information.
Save the Pandas
The Elephant
Unit 3
Elephants live in Asia and Africa.
The elephant is a very big animal.
It is gray or brown. It has a long
nose called a trunk. Elephants in
Africa have big ears. Elephants in
Asia have small ears. Elephants
eat grass, leaves and bamboo.
Some elephants also eat bananas
and sugar cane*. Elephants live
in families. There are 8 to 100
elephants in a family. Elephants
like to talk to each other*!
Animal Fact Card
Name: _________________________
1. What color are they? _________________
2. What do they eat? ___________________
3. Where do they live? __________________
4. What do they like to do? ______________
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sugar cane = Ŀĥûïƌ ıĝí ¯ÎÂÒ ‰˜
each other = ńġõïƌ İĩĞġà ‰ÊÏ ‰Ê
The Tiger
Tigers are in the cat family. They
are very big and they eat deer,
monkeys, snakes and other
animals. They live in Asia and the
Middle East. Tigers are orange.
They have black stripes*. Tigers
like to hunt* at night and they love
to swim*.
stripes = ƜŐğå ÌÈÒÙ
hunt = ĽĪĝó „ˆÏ
swim = Ļõûó ˙ÂÁ˘Ï
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Ʊ .ƈ
.İòŐĤĝïƈƨ ŏï ƎƖŐř ƌƨĽã
6. Write and Share
7. Do and Show
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.ŏĨê ŊŕİĤä IJíİğà ƌƨĿĞäƨ
ŏĨê ōƱĦġöïƌ ƦƨĽóĿá İƫñƌŐĪä ƌƨƖİöåƊ
.Ńùģïƌ IJħŕİĤà ƌŐĨĪġöæƊ
Checklist - Animal Fact Card
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