Henry & Lucy Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 107
Unit 3 1
• Suggest that pupils access the Internet to learn more about animals that live in China. Refer
pupils to sites on the Internet where they can find pictures of forests in the world or in their
own country. Have them show the class their favorite picture and explain why they like it.
Websites with interesting facts on some animals of China: http://www.tooter4kids.com/china/
animals_of_china.htm; www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing_Zoo
1. Listen and Chant
Play CD Track 34 and read the chant with the class.
Have pupils read the chant silently and underline the sentence with the word cry.
Ask: Why do you think the pandas are crying? (any guess is acceptable)
Ask: Why does Mr. Moon want them to read the poster? (to find out why the pandas need
2. Read
Have pupils look at the poster (Track 35). Elicit the new words hungry, food and leaves by
asking: What animal do you see in the picture? (pandas) Explain that baby bears are called
cubs. Say: Look at the mother panda. Why is she sad? (she is hungry)
• Have pupils circle the word pandas in the text. Ask: How many times does it appear? (6
including the title)
• Have pupils read and underline the first two lines and the last two lines in the poster.
• Ask: What is the problem? (Pandas are in danger. The mother pandas cannot find food for
the cubs.)
3. Write
Read aloud the entire poster with the class and have pupils complete the sentences.
Save the Pandas
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3. Write
1. Listen and Chant
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ƄŒĥõó ŎðƮ
Ŀħí ĽĪûïƌ ƤŐĤó ƌƕİð
ƄƌƨƈĿĤó Ʀƈ ƤİģèŲï
Henry and Lucy, listen to me,
Hop on the moonbeam 1, 2, 3.
1. The pandas are _________________
and sad.
2. They need _____________________________.
3. The pandas eat bamboo __________________.
4. There are no bamboo __________ in the forest.
The pandas need you, I hear them cry.
Read the poster, you'll find out why.
2. Read
Unit 3
5. Please ______________________ the pandas.
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4. Match and Write
Save the Pandas!
The pandas are in danger*.
They need food or they will die*.
The pandas eat bamboo leaves.
There are no bamboo trees in the forest.
The pandas are hungry and sad.
The mother pandas cannot find food for the cubs.
Please help the pandas!
5. Read and Chant
Save the hungry pandas,
What can we do?
in danger = Ŀğúà ‰ÎÒ·
die = ƏŐĔ Â˙ÂÓÈ
They need some help,
bamboo trees ƦƌƖŀƯ ĪĄƌ Ɩİøçƈ ˜Â·Ó· ÈˆÚ Ocub ƆƌĿã Ìȯ‚Ofood Ɔƌľë ÔÂÊÓ
hungry ƦŐġŕİã ÌÈ·Ú¯
ƌƨľưĤñƈ ÂÏȈ‰
a. a dolphin
b. a whale
c. a tiger
d. an elephant
e. a panda
f. asnake
From the twins and you!