DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 92
After Reading
What do you think of Lance and the way he never gave up? (Accept all logical
NOTE: Add the following little piece of
AI: Students will understand the
information for the class: Lance Armstrong
general meaning, main ideas, and
invented the ‘live strong’ bracelet that sold
sequence of events in the text and
worldwide. However, his aim was to raise
use this knowledge as needed.
money for cancer research after he got sick,
AI: Students will identify different
so for every bracelet that was sold in the US,
text types and use this knowledge as
the dollar that was paid for the bracelet was
donated to the Cancer Research Foundation.
AI: Students will locate relevant
Explain the difference between fact and
information for a specific purpose.
opinion. Facts are sayings that we know are
true and can be proven. Opinions are we
2. Let’s Answer! (page 55)
Have the students answer in their notebooks.
When they have finished, go over the answers with them.
Answer Key:
1. b
2. running, swimming
3. d
4. c
5. a
3. Let’s Practice! (page 55)
Have the students answer in their notebooks.
When they have finished, go over the answers
with them.
Answer Key:
1. athlete
2. race
3. difficult
4. found out
5. give up
6. Cycling
7. greatest
Extra Activity:
Simpler: Have the students copy the words below and alphabetize them. Then they should find
these words in the text and copy the sentences with these words into their notebooks.