DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 267
2. Let’s Read! (Track 59) (pages 210-211)
AI: Students will understand the general
meaning, main ideas, and sequence of
events in the text and use this knowledge
as needed.
AI: Students will identify different text
types and use this knowledge as needed.
AI: Students will locate relevant
information for a specific purpose.
AI: Students will use simple information
tools such as a glossary, a simplified
learner’s dictionary, and a table of
Al: Students will recognise that the Holy
Day is different for the different religions
(Friday for Moslems, Saturday for Jews
and Sunday for Christians).
AC: Students are familiar with different
cultural products and practices.
Before reading
Say and ask:
Tom and Kate are going somewhere.
Where do you think they are going? (Accept
all logical predictions.)
What do you think will happen in this story?
It’s called "Sunday Morning". What do you
think happens on Sunday morning?
Remember, Sunday morning would be like
Saturday morning in Israel. Tom and Kate live
in the USA. (Accept all logical predictions.)
Appreciation of Culture
NOTE: Sundays in the USA are the main day off for all
family members. It’s usually the day when the family
would sit together for breakfast and enjoy relaxed
family time. Have the students compare the Sunday
presented here to their family’s day off or day
together. This may be Saturdays for Jewish children,
Fridays for Moslem children or Sundays for Christian children.
Let’s look at a few words from the story.
special delivery
Present the new words on the board.
Vocabulary reinforcement
Have the students go over the text and find the words they just learned. Ask
them to read the sentences where they found the words. If there are still
unclear words, explain them.
Have the students copy the words into their notebooks and write their definitions.
For weaker students: Have them copy the sentence with the new word into their notebooks, next
to the definition they wrote. This will help them remember the context as well.
For more ideas, go to pages vi and vii in the Yellow Pages section.
Sunday Morning, Part 1 (track 59) (pages 210-211)
Paragraph 1
Have the students read Paragraph 1.
Where are Tom and Kate? (in the kitchen at home)
What are they doing? (sitting at the table for breakfast)
Who is with them? (Mrs. Miller and their mother)