DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 264
Then you have to put the puzzle together to form a picture.
Then once you’ve put the puzzle together, paste the picture in your notebook.
Now, write five sentences about what is happening in the picture.
Answer the questions:
o Who is in the picture?
o Where are they?
o What are they doing?
o When do you think this is taking place?
When you have finished you can come and take another puzzle and repeat the process.
When they have finished, collect the notebooks and check their work.
Instead of working with the photocopies from the TG, have each student bring in a picture
from a magazine or any of their family pictures from a summer vacation event.
The picture must present a scene, not a single item.
The students are to paste the picture on a piece of cardboard and cut it up into small pieces
(not more than 16 pieces).
Collect the picture puzzles the children made and hand them out to different students.
This way, each student works on the puzzle another student prepared.
You may want to use this rubric to assess the students' work.
Full points
Chose one puzzle and built it.
Pasted the puzzle in their notebook
Answered the questions in the book
Used complete sentences
Used correct spelling and grammar
Used capital letters and full stops
Partial points
None (0)