DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 245
More Challenging: Have the students write at two or three sentences to show how the other
person feels in each situation. These should explain why they think it's bullying or not.
7. Let’s Do It! HOTS (page 190)
Have the same pairs now go back to the handout.
P: Students will react to content of
something read, seen or heard.
You are going to work with your partner again.
This time, you’ll choose 2 of the situations.
You have to think, if I were in this situation, what would I be able to do?
Write three sentences about each situation saying what you could do.
Then present your ideas to the class.
Use the checklist to make sure you’ve done everything you were supposed to.
You may want to use this rubric to assess the students' work.
Full points
Chose two situations to write about
Identified correctly if it's bullying or not
Wrote a solution for each situation
Wrote complete sentences
Used correct spelling and grammar
Used capital letters and full stops
Extra: WebQuest (optional) (page 190)
Have the students work on the WebQuest.
They are to follow the instructions online.
Partial points
None (0)