DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 236
Have the students read the fourth and fifth paragraphs.
Do all the kids come to talk to the people in KABS? (no some are embarrassed)
What is the Bully Box? (a place for kids to write about their problems)
Who is the advisor for KABS? (a teacher in the school)
Why do you think the teacher is the advisor? (accept logical answers)
How does the advisor help? ( he /she gives suggestions on how to solve the problems)
Have the students read the sixth paragraph.
Has KABS been successful? How do we know? (yes, there is a big change in the school)
How do the kids in the school feel now about school? (they feel safer and that it’s a nicer
place to be)
What’s one of the results of a project like KABS, something against bullying? (people
become friends)
Have the students read the last paragraph.
Mark says “Bullying stops where friendship starts”, what do you think he means? (accept
logical answers)
After reading HOTS
Do you think a project like KABS would work in your school?
Would you become involved in such a project if it were started?
How do you think you could help everyone in your class feel like they belong? (accept logical
answers for all and encourage explanations)
3. Word Tree (page 180)
Explain to the students that many words have
different forms. The word collect is one such word.
Send the students back to the text to find four more
words that have the ‘root’ friend in them.
To help them, do the first one together: unfriendly
AL: Students will compare different
language elements of English, such
as tense and gender to their mother
Answer key:
Appreciation of Language
NOTE: Explain to the students that many words in English have many corresponding forms and they
are all connected in meaning but used differently as they form words that belong to different parts
of speech.
In this case, friend is a noun and it forms unfriendly – a negative adjective / friendly – a positive
adjective / friendlier – a comparative adjective and friendship – a noun.