DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 178
Part 4: What Happened in the Park? (pages 134-137)
Let’s Remember
Which animals disappeared in Lakeview? (the hummingbirds, and the wolves).
Why did they disappear? (Their habitat changed.)
What do we know about eco detectives (They help investigate and solve ecological
Now, discuss the title of the section. HOTS
SI: Students will express personal
What do you think happened in the
wishes and opinions.
park? (Accept logical guesses based on
what has been discussed in this unit so
Who do you think was involved? (Remind students of the poster they saw at the entrance to
the school of Lakeview Estates)
What clues do you think we’ve seen so far to help us guess?
-building debris in water
-flattened grass and reeds leading down to water’s edge
-bird’s nest fallen from bush
-grass flattened, trail of footprints
-flashlight dropped on ground
-path has been cleared through the forest; trees cut down, branches broken
-piece of paper left behind is a plan of Lakeview Estates.
Say and ask:
Look at the picture. What’s this a picture
AI: Students will understand the
of? (the Lakeview Park nature trail)
general meaning, main ideas, and
What’s wrong with it? (Have students
sequence of events in the text and
describe what they see that they think is
use this knowledge as needed.
wrong – debris in water, grass flattened,
AI: Students will identify different
bird’s nest on ground, path cleared
text types and use this knowledge as
through the forest)
What do you think happened here?
AI: Students will locate relevant
(Accept logical guesses.)
information for a specific purpose.
Who do you think did this? (Remind the
AI: Students will use simple
students of the posters they saw on the
information tools such as a glossary,
bulletin board in front of the school at the
a simplified learner’s dictionary, and
beginning of Part 2. Ask them if they think
a table of contents.
there is any connection between the
posters and the answer to the question “who did this?”)
What does the sign say? What does it mean? (the city wants the park to stay clean)