DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 170
AI: Students will understand the
general meaning, main ideas, and
sequence of events in the text and use
this knowledge as needed.
AI: Students will identify different text
types and use this knowledge as
AI: Students will locate relevant
information for a specific purpose.
AI: Students will use simple
information tools such as a glossary, a
simplified learner’s dictionary, and a
table of contents.
Detective Tip No. 2 (page 123)
Answer Key:
Say and ask:
What should we look for or look at if our
aim is to solve a mystery or be
detectives? (clues)
Why is that important? (Have students
explain based on what they heard.)
Remember this tip.
Have all the students copy this from the
board into their Detective’s Notebooks.
2. Let’s Rap! (HOTS - Prediction) (track 38) (page 124)
Have the students read the rap and guess what the Green Team is going to do. (Accept all
logical answers. Connect with the
meaning of green)
AI: Students will understand the
general meaning, main ideas, and
What does ‘wake up’ mean? Are we all
sequence of events in the text and
asleep? (Look around and pay attention
use this knowledge as needed.
to what is happening around you.)
Why do we have to look around us? (to make sure we notice everything in order to be able
to help)
How do you think the Green Team is going to help? (Accept all logical answers.)
Extra Activity for the rap
Have the students get into pairs or threes and perform the rap with a tune in front of the class.
If you have been doing this for every rap, then make sure each rap is performed by a different
group of students.
For more ideas, go to page iv in the Yellow Pages section.