DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 155
Detective’s Notebook! (4) (page 112)
Have the students answer in their Detective’s Notebooks.
When they are finished, go over the answers with them.
P: Students will produce a short
piece of coherent writing.
Who are the suspects? (Bettina, Miss bates and Frank)
Which people AREN’T suspects any more? (Bettina)
Why aren’t they suspects anymore? (have the students explain)
So which suspects are left now? (Miss Bates and Frank)
Go into your Detective Notebook and let’s see what we know about these two people. (have
the students read out their clues)
Could Frank be the thief? Explain. (accept any logical answers)
3. Let’s Read! (Track 36) (page 112)
Outside Miss Bates’s House – Part II
Have the students look at Part II.
What did we learn from Frank in Part 1? (that he
knows how the thief entered the museum)
AI: Students will understand the
Paragraph 1
general meaning, main ideas, and
What does Frank explain to Kate and Tom? (that
sequence of events in the text and
it’s almost impossible to cut glass and most
use this knowledge as needed.
thieves break the windows)
AI: Students will identify different
Does this information help the kids in any way?
text types and use this knowledge as
(Yes, Kate thinks this is an important clue.)
Paragraph 2
AI: Students will locate relevant
What can be used to cut glass? (a special tool or
information for a specific purpose.
a diamond)
AI: Students will extract information
Why can’t Kate cut glass? (She doesn’t have the
from visual data such as a timetable.
tool or a diamond ring.)
Who has a very large diamond ring? (Miss Bates)
Why is Frank at Miss Bates’s house? (She
ordered two frames.)
Why does Kate think that maybe Miss Bates is the thief? (She owns a diamond ring.)
What additional information does Frank give? (Miss Bates ordered two frames and two
pictures were stolen from the museum)
Paragraph 3
What do the kids realize? (She may be the thief; she wants to 'take back' the paintings. That
was on the note she left in the museum.)
Who calls the police? (Frank)
Why does Kate send a text message to Jack and Amy and Robert? (She believes they know
who the thief is.)