DETECTIVES Teacher's Guide - Book - Page 12
ix. Let’s Listen
These are the listening comprehension activities. Each unit in The Detectives has at least one or two
listening activities. Each activity is followed up with exercises in the book. The students are expected
to listen and do the activity that is presented. All the listening activities can be played in class directly
from our website at: .
Most listening comprehension activities in The Detectives are divided into two sections. The first
section usually entails identification of some sort. The second activity is usually at a higher level,
answering questions or performing a more complex task. This way, all the students are able to
participate in the listening as they are graded.
x. Let’s Write
Let’s Write focuses on teaching the students how to write in English. Each activity takes the students
one step further along to enable them to write short stories by the end of the year.
When teaching writing, it’s important to work slowly and enable the students to progress at their
own pace. Many students need more practice, so it’s vital to enable them to redo the exercise if they
didn’t succeed the first time around. Rewriting something enables the students to notice mistakes or
to learn new ways of doing something. No one is expected to get the written piece perfect at the
first attempt, so take your time with writing, working slowly, from writing correctly structured
sentences, to sentences that are connected to each other, and eventually to being able to write a
short story. Every writing activity should go through the stages of first writing, then editing and
xi. Let’s Do It
All the Let’s Do It exercises are Performance Based Tasks. They each offer the students an
opportunity to use the language they have learned to produce something of their own that is both
interesting and different from what they have been doing. Yet all the products that are created are
directly connected to the content of the unit, thus providing information for assessment.
xii. Language Focus
This is where the language structures are presented and taught. Each language structure is
presented in a simplified and clear manner, enabling all the students to learn the language structure
and be able to apply it correctly. The structures are taken directly from the unit, always in context,
which enables the teacher to refer to the content as well for more explanation and more practice.
It’s a good idea to always read all the examples, copying some of them onto the board to place more
focus on the material taught. Have the students follow the examples in their books and read aloud
sentences that present the different structures.
Each language structure presentation is followed by exercises that reinforce what was taught. All the
structures are re-entered throughout the book, on many occasions, so it’s highly recommended to
remind the students of the structures they’ve learned as they reappear in the book.
You can use the activities for vocabulary practice to practice the various structures as well.
xiii. Detective’s Notebook
The Detective’s Notebook is unique to The Detectives. This is the place where the students collect all
the clues they find, and are able to reach conclusions about the mystery of each unit. The Detective’s