Detectives CB Sample Unit - Book - Page 30
3 True or False?
(לאF (נכון) אוT כיתבו
.נכון) ביחס לכל משפט
תקנו את המשפטים הלא
(غيرF (صحيح) أمT أكتبوا
.صحيح) بالنسبة لكل جملة
.صححوا اجلمل غير الصحيحة
1. Tom and Kate are detectives.
2. Jack and Amy have a problem.
3. Tom and Kate have special talents.
4. Tom and Kate know a secret.
5. Professor Sparky has a surprise for Jack.
4 Let's Answer!
ענו על השאלות
.במשפטים שלמים
.أجيبوا عن األسئلة بجمل كاملة
1. Jack and Amy have the same job. What is it?
2. Do Tom and Kate know how to help Jack and Amy?
How do you know?
3. What makes Tom special?
4. What makes Kate special?
5 Let's Think!
I think Jack
knows and…
מי יודע שלתום וקייט יש
?כישרונות מיוחדים
من يعرف أن لتوم وكايت مواهب
6 Let's Practice!
השלימו את המשפטים
עם מילים ממחסן
أكملوا اجلمل بكلمات من
information • mystery • problem • solve
fast • high • special • steal
1. We need more clues. Then we can solve the mystery!
2. He runs too ... . I can't catch him!
3. We have a big ... . We need your help.
4. Do you think the thief will ... another bicycle?
5. No one knows who the thief is. It's a ... !
6. This wall is too ... . I can't jump over it!
7. Tom and Kate have very ... talents.
8. Ask questions to get the ... you need.
UNIT 1 / The Bicycle Thief (1)