Sir John Lawes School
Student Support
Tutor Time
The Sixth Form Centre is a purpose-built facility
providing a comfortable study area with Wi-Fi
throughout as well as computers, a separate small
study room and four dedicated Sixth Form classrooms,
two of which are fully furnished with computers. We
also have a Sixth Form food pod providing hot and
cold food at break and lunch, and two designated
eating areas, one inside and one outside, for the use of
Sixth Form students. You are expected to treat the
facilities provided with care and respect and to tidy up
after yourselves. Failure to comply with this may result
in restricted access to the Sixth Form areas. You will
be making the decision to apply for the Sixth Form with
the knowledge that it involves hard work and
commitment. We will support you in this by providing
excellent facilities and a support network of dedicated
Each student is allocated to a tutor group and your
tutor will see you regularly to discuss your progress
both formally and informally. Sixth Form Tutors are the
first point of contact between parents and the school.
For students applying to university, your tutor will
support you during the application process and write
your reference. Progress reports are issued in the
Autumn Term and again before Easter. A full parents’
evening is held in the Autumn Term for Year 13 and in
the Spring Term for Year 12 and parents will be
contacted at other times if there are issues to be
discussed. The Head of Sixth Form, Assistant Head of
Sixth Form and Sixth Form Student Services Manager
are available most mornings from 8.00am to 8.30am
for meetings with parents if you need to make an
Absence and Attendance
Independent Study
You will be allocated time each week for independent
study. You will be expected to use this time
constructively either on further study or on research.
For each hour of taught lessons in school, you will need
to spend upwards of one hour on independent study in
order to achieve your full potential. Year 12 students
are required to remain in school for all independent
study sessions. Once they have completed their UCAS
applications, Year 13 students may negotiate some
limited periods of home study.
Full attendance is vital to support achievement. All
Sixth Form students are expected to aim for 100%
attendance. Attendance at morning and afternoon
registration is compulsory for Year 12 and for Year 13
students. However, for those Year 13 students who
demonstrate a good attendance and work record, and
who have completed their UCAS application if
continuing to university, some home study will be
permitted. This is not automatic and must be
negotiated with your Form Tutor. Absence and
attendance will be monitored by form tutors and any
students causing concern will be referred to the
Assistant Head of Sixth Form and the Head of Sixth