Sir John Lawes School
How to Apply
On Wednesday 12 January 2022 there will be a virtual Post-16 information evening, starting at 6.30pm.
Application forms will be available to Year 11 students and can also be downloaded from our website
www.sjl.herts.sch.uk. The deadline for applications is Friday 4 February 2022 but we welcome earlier
Each student should choose 3 subjects, plus a reserve choice. BTEC Media Extended Project is a Triple
Award qualification and counts as 3 subjects, students cannot study A Levels alongside this qualification.
BTEC Health and Social Care, BTEC Business and BTEC Media Single are Single Award qualifications and
each count as one subject. Subject choices should be listed in order of preference in case of over
Students should also express a preference for the Enrichment options available in the section after the A
Level subject details. The Sixth Form team will carefully consider Enrichment preferences at the beginning
of Year 12 and allocate as appropriate to student needs.
All students intending to enter the Sixth Form at Sir John Lawes will be invited to an advice and guidance
meeting providing a further opportunity to ask questions about the courses under consideration.
Information on how to contact the Careers Adviser attached to Sir John Lawes and how to find out about
the post-16 offer from local colleges will also be made available.
Some students, on returning in September, find that their original choices are no longer the right ones for a
variety of reasons. Whilst we will try to accommodate students who wish to change their courses, it should
be noted that this is not always possible due to timetable restrictions, so please make your choices
carefully. Changes may only take place after negotiation with the Head of Sixth Form and the relevant
Head of Faculty and will not be possible after the end of September.
For further information please contact Sixth Form Administration on 01582 760043 Ext 1038 or email
I hope this has answered most of the questions you may have about the Sixth Form at Sir John Lawes.
However, I appreciate that some of you may have individual concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact
me for further advice and information.
S Calverley
Head of Sixth Form