Sir John Lawes School
What You Can
Expect from Us
While we obviously have high expectations of you,
you can expect certain commitments from us in
You will receive expert tuition and excellent teaching in
your chosen subjects and the support of staff in
helping you achieve your full potential. The destinations
of our Year 13 students are testimony to the success
that we achieve.
You will also receive support and guidance regarding
your future after Sir John Lawes. Your Form Tutor will
support you during the UCAS process and will write
your reference for university, apprenticeship or
In Year 12 you will be kept informed about university
courses and Open Days. Students also visit the UCAS
Higher Education Fair. Each Year 12 student is
authorised for three university Open Day visits in the
Summer Term after internal or external examinations
have been taken.
For those looking at an alternative to the traditional
university route into further education, we provide a
Higher Apprenticeship evening for both parents and
students to attend. The evening aims to provide
information about this evolving option, as well as the
opportunity to meet employers offering both Higher
and Degree Apprenticeships, from a number of
different sectors including Finance, Retail and
Year 12 and 13 are also offered drop-in sessions with
the Careers Adviser attached to Sir John Lawes and
individual appointments can be arranged on request.
We also support our students by providing sessions
focused on Careers and Employability in both Year 12
and Year 13. This provides timely input from guest
speakers across different professions and industries
and covers various topics including interview skills
training ahead of the university and job recruitment
season. For those students leaving school to take up
direct employment, we also provide additional CV
writing support and mentoring throughout the
recruitment process.
During Year 12 students undertake one week of work
experience in the summer term. Students are
encouraged to use this opportunity to seek relevant
work experience in line with their future career
aspirations. Support is available for students who are
unable to find a private placement.
In order to increase the offer made to all the students in
Harpenden schools, there has been collaboration
between Sir John Lawes, Roundwood Park and St
George’s since September 2000. This means that
students are able to study an increased range of
subjects by attending another school for one of their
For further information about the courses on offer at
Roundwood Park and St George’s, please contact the
following or view the school website:
Ms L Gallagher sixthform@roundwoodpark.co.uk
Roundwood Park
Miss L Morris lmorris@stgeorges.herts.sch.uk
St George's