NON-PROFIT REPORT - Flipbook - Page 5
What We Do
When donors (like you!) graciously donate to the Community Foundation, that money
is preserved for future use. Instead of being used right away, it’s saved into a fund that
will grow over time. Then, we redistribute that money to nonprofits and students who
need it most.
Create Partnerships
Everything starts with you and your philanthropic
intentions. We listen and work together to find existing
funds or develop new funds that achieve your goals.
The Community Donates
You can donate into a community fund, or into a fund
with a specific non-profit or scholarship, or you can
create a new fund. There are many options!
We Save & Grow These Dollars
We all know that the future is unpredictable, so we
dedicate ourselves to looking ahead and being strong,
stable, yet flexible. With careful stewardship, these
dollars could be someone’s saving grace.
We Invest Back To The Community
Through grants and scholarships, community leadership
and building partnerships, we are investing in the
community. This year alone we granted $3,544,058
from our endowed funds.